Bill Gates is an optimist in part because some of the books he’s read in 2018 give him hope.

The following books are written by scientists and scholars who use historical data to show that we’re living in the best of times–the best time to start a company, the best time to invent new things, and the best time to be alive in human history. I call them ‘progress books.’ Here are three of my favorite books that Gates recommended in 2018.

1. Enlightenment Now by Steven Pinker

Earlier this year I sat down with Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker after Bill Gates said Enlightenment Now is his favorite book of all time. According to Pinker, if you consume negative news constantly, research shows you’ll become gloomy. You’ll make poor decisions. You’ll experience higher levels of anxiety, a worse mood, and more hostility. Worst of all, you’ll spread these emotions to others. These aren’t exactly the traits of a successful entrepreneur.

Pinker explains that a “mental bug” is to blame. Simply put, “bad is stronger than good.” Instead of focusing on the abundance that surrounds us every moment of every day, we’re more likely to share bad news, consume bad news and let bad news effect our moods and decisions.

Pinker’s right. I was a television news anchor for fifteen years. The only time I covered good news was around the holidays or at the end of a newscast when we found video of a firefighter rescuing a cat in a tree. Good news isn’t “news” because it happens every second of every day. And that’s why, according to Pinker, “The world has made spectacular progress in every single measure of human well-being and…almost no one knows about it.”

2. Factfulness by Hans Rosling

Bill Gates loves this book so much, he gave a free copy to every U.S. college graduate who wanted it.

Rosling–the late statistician and data scientist–writes that the standard of living for most people in world is getting so much better that “We should have a party. A big party!” Instead, he says, “we are gloomy.” Why? Again, the negativity instinct kicks in where bad is stronger than good.

Rosling says our brains are wired to jump to conclusions–even when those conclusions are factually wrong. Our brains are wired to tune in to dramatic stories, threats and bad news. These were useful instincts thousands of years ago, but it results in excessive worry and poor decisions in the present.

The big takeaway from Rosling’s book is that most people don’t know the world is getting better. For decades, Rosling surveyed thousands of people around the world and asked basic questions about poverty, wealthy, violence, death, health, education, etc. In every survey, most people simply don’t know that the world is much better in nearly every way. “Every group of people I ask thinks the world is more frightening, more violent, and more hopeless than it really is,” writes Rosling.

Rosling puts data in context that’s easy to understand. For example, he writes that two hundred years ago, almost everyone on Earth faced disease, malnutrition, starvation, and early death. Life expectancy was about 30 years everywhere in the world. Today it’s 72. As Rosling suggests, yes, it time to party.

3. It’s Better Than It Looks by Gregg Easterbrook

Easterbrook’s book opens with a quote from the eternal optimist, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: “The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization is forever upward.”

Optimism, says Easterbrook, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t worry about anything ever again. Instead, optimism should gives you the confidence that you can handle any problem that comes your way.

Easterbrook’s book explains why Americans feel worse off today even though they’re better off–statistically–than ever before. According to Easterbrook, a generation ago your parents and grandparents got bad news once a day in the form of the morning paper or perhaps the nightly news on one of three networks. Today, the 24-hour news cycle and social media at our fingertips brings a never-ending cascade of bad news which, remember, is stronger than good.

“Every day we’re bludgeoned by news of how bad everything is…yet, we’ve made more progress over the last 100 years than in the first 100,000,” writes Easterbrook.

Overblown claims, stories and tweets of doom and gloom attract attention, but as an entrepreneur who wants to stand out from the crowd, you’d be better off to stay positive while others are growing more anxious. Books like these give Bill Gates the perspective he needs to change the world. You might want to take his advice.