Library Journal_starred reviewTalk Like TED received a rare starred review in the prestigious Library Journal.

Here is the write up:

Delivering an effective presentation is a goal for everyone from students to CEOs.  Communications coach Gallo (The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs) uses his analysis of more than 500 TED Talks (Technology, Entertainment, Design; speeches given at a global set of conferences owned by the private nonprofit Sapling Foundation) to provide nine tips for great public speaking.  The book is divided into three sections, with tips on delivering emotional, novel, and memorable speeches.  TEDnotes summarize the main points in each chapter.  Following his own advice to presenters, Gallo doesn’t just give facts but also shares stories to make his points more significant to his audience, in this case the reader.  In addition to his examination of successful TED presentations, Gallo also includes research from the fields of psychology and communications to explain why these methods work so well.  VERDICT This book will resonate with readers who want to become skilled orators as well with anyone seeking to understand what makes TED Talks so inspiring.

-Elizabeth Nelson, UOP Lib., Des Plaines, IL